The film DETECTOR is a state of the art psychothriller that offers some cold comfort in its cloistered outlook.
The 47-year-old Kostas Marsaan, hailing from a village in the far North East of Russia, Yakutia, made a name for himself with his folk horror film Ichchi from two years back and has since become identified with a `Yakutian horror` scene in film.
His latest motion picture, a wintry puzzler called Detector is neither a horror nor set in Yakutia but yet bears many of the hallmarks of his more niche debut. Released in Russia early this March, the film consists of a psychological thriller with some modern Gothic trappings. Like Sisters it might also be said to partake a little of the much talked about trend of `Elevated horror`. In short, meandering between mystery, thriller and chiller, this is not a film that aims to have you jump back into your seat.

The main writer – Ivan Stanislavsky – is known more for comedies. He was responsible for Predators from three years ago and this is a wacky comedy crime caper.
The cast, on the other hand, is an ensemble one composed of performers notable for their involvement in this film genre.
The 38-year-old Nizhny-Novgorod born Ekaterina Vilkova resurrects her tough-but-endangered police investigator from the TV series Cold Shores. Likewise, the 48-year-old from Tallinn – Kirill Kyaro -appeared in Teach Me to Live (2016) and the TV series The Consultant (2017) as a psychiatrist and finds himself once again typecast in that role.
Detector is not set in Yakutia but in the more relatable (to many) edges of Moscow and, whilst not as exotic, the bare trees and snowy expanse of this do enhance the foreboding mood that the story builds up. Also, the setting in a four storey luxury dacha (which – Fun Fact –was the one built and lived in by the cosmonaut Alexey Leonev, no less!)
Juvenile messenger.
Viktoria, a police operative (Vilkova) is on the chase for a cold-blooded murderer. Ignoring advice from her colleagues, she enters a derelict building where he may be present. It is when she discovers a headless corpse that she is lunged at from behind and then slashed in the belly a few times. Her assailant leaves her for dead.
Viktoria recovers but is traumatized and has to accept the fact that she can never bear children. In the meantime, however, she has fallen in love with her psychotherapist. Novel is a wealthy man and she shacks up with him in his plush dacha beyond the capital.

On deciding to adopt a child they pay a visit to an orphanage. While they are looking, a head nurse shows a drawing made by one of the children. It depicts a brutal attack on a woman. Viktoria is struck by how much it reminds her of her own ordeal She decides there and then that the orphan who produced this is the one that they will take.
Dasha seems an odd and withdrawn child and this may owe to the fact that her own mum and dad perished in a domestic conflagration. She continues to produce sinister sketches – even putting them on the walls of her room. Viktoria is convinced that they depict scenes involving the murderer that she had been hunting.
Is the girl clairvoyant or does she have some kind of inside knowledge?
Viktoria returns to her police colleagues full of stories. She is met with unenthused doubts but, perhaps out of loyalty, they do assign a young investigator – Kostya (Gela Meskhi) to the case.
Together they find themselves running up against a series of blind alleys while Viktoria’s obsessive quest puts a strain on her relationship. Indeed, Novel has long since decided that Dasha should be sent back to her orphanage. When the girl stabs him in the hand matters come to the boil….
Distraction by numbers.
The bare bones of the premise do call to mind Olga Gorodetska’s supernatural thriller from 2019 Stray. However, Detector then takes an almost opposite direction. In fact, the plot could almost be a truncated season of Cold Shores. As is the way with this subgenre there is a final reveal that intends to induce gasps of shock but which can be seen coming.
Light on message, heavy on atmosphere.
The tagline for this film is `Take a Closer Look at Who You Live With`. That might, in fact, be the sole insight that one can take away from what is a rather domestic and insular thriller. Wider resonances about Russia or of the world Out There are hard to find here. That in fact may be part of the film’s appeal. I myself savored all one hour forty minutes of this creepy detective yarn, with parts that might have been written by Chat GPT but which oozed a well sustained macabre ambience throughout.
Indeed, the online user reviews, which more often than not are given over to sneering and cynicism have been positive and almost gushing for once.
For example, a Dmitry, writing on had this to say:
`The film `Detector` makes the viewer sit on the edge of the chair….The plot is unusual and unexpected…and the actors played their roles perfectly…Her [Vika’s] experiences and emotions are conveyed to the viewer so vividly that it is difficult not to be interested in what is happening on the screen…
And so on. This review was not an exception.
Nevertheless, in the cinema in Almaty (in a district calling itself `Moscow`) I found myself, for the umpteenth time, to be the only person in the hall.
Main image: Kladez Zolota.